
January-February 2024

Volume 8, Issue 1 (January-February 2024)

  • Procurement Planning and Service Delivery of Procurement Function in UasinGishu County Government, Kenya: The Role of Procurement Professionals
    Original Research Article
    Country Kenya
  • Pages 01-14
  • Abstract | pdf Pdf
  • Procurement has become an integral part of organizational performance and it is drawing increased attention from top to lower management levels. Despite shrinking budgets, procurement professionals are responsible for spending a huge proportion of companies’ revenue or of the national budget. Lack of professionalism leads to corruption which ultimately impedes compliance of procurement rules and regulations in procuring entities and adversely affects service delivery. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to assess the impact of professionalism on service delivery of procurement function in UasinGishu County Government, Kenya. Specifically, the study determined the impact of procurement planning on service delivery of procurement function in UasinGishu County Government, Kenya. The study adopted Institutional Theory. Explanatory survey research design was employed. The target population for the study was UasinGishu County Government employees. It has a workforce of about 2599. The accessible population for this study was 115 employees drawn from procurement department. The study used census survey to collect complete information from all participants in the accessible population. The researcher used semi structured questionnaire as the main tool of data collection. The researcher piloted the instruments by distributing 12 questionnaires to respondents in Baringo County Government which is not part of the area sampled in order to ascertain reliability of the research instruments. This study used content validity and used Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient to test the reliability of the instruments. The data was collected using questionnaires. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 and Microsoft version of Excel. The coded data was entered into SPSS program to generate measures of central tendency (mode and mean) and measures of dispersion such as percentages and ranks. For inferential statistics, the study used multiple linear regressions to show how the independent variables and dependent variable relate. The data analysis was presented in form of tables. The study results found out that procurement planning had a positive and significant influence on service delivery (β1=0.346, p<0.05). The study concluded that the service delivery of UasinGishu County Government is affected positively by procurement planning and therefore recommended that employment of professionally trained and qualified procurement staff should be emphasized and implemented. As a procurement professional body in the country, Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM), should focus more on enforcement of the requirement for professional registration and adherence to the professional code of ethics and conduct among procurement practitioners in the country.

    • Technopreneurial Dynamics: Unveiling Utilization and Confronting Challenges in Restaurants and Bars Across Surigao City, Philippines
      Original Research Article
      Country Philippines
    • Pages 15-25
    • Japheth Shem Bollozos || Eric Villamar || Cris Saranza
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study strategically explores the technological landscape of restaurants and bars in Surigao City, Philippines, employing a purposive data sampling technique encompassing bars, restobars, and restaurants. The investigation dives into how these establishments utilize technology, considering demographic factors, the extent of utilization, and the challenges faced. The findings indicate a moderate level of technological utilization and challenges, with room for improvement to enhance business performance. Interestingly, the research unveils uniform experiences across various demographic profiles, emphasizing the need for universal strategies. Furthermore, it concludes that the challenges faced are independent of the extent of technological adoption, highlighting the importance of tailored approaches. In summary, the study offers valuable insights and practical recommendations for optimizing technological integration and overcoming challenges in business.

    • The Influence of Leadership and Work Environment on Work Motivation and Its Impact on the Employee Performance of the Public Works Service and Spatial Arrangement of Musi Banyuas in Regency
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 26-36
    • Edizal || Lupi
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This research aims to determine and prove the influence of leadership and work environment on motivation and its impact on the performance of employees of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Department of Musi Banyuasin Regency, both directly and indirectly. The population of this research is all employees of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Department of Musi Banyuasin Regency, totaling 47 employees. In this study, researchers used saturated sampling, namely a sample determination technique using the entire population to be used as a research sample. The results of this research show that leadership influences work motivation. The work environment has no effect on work motivation. Leadership has no effect on employee performance. The work environment influences employee performance. Work motivation influences employee performance.

    • Effective Interpersonal Communication: the Key to Improving Employee Retention in Multinational Companies
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 37-46
    • Wibawa Prasetya || Yovi Bathesta || Alfilonia Harwinda || Nabila Alda Yuniar
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • In multinational corporations, effective interpersonal communication is highly crucial to enhance employee retention. Amidst fierce global competition, multinational companies face challenges in retaining their employees. Factors such as cultural differences, language, and communication styles among employees can influence employee retention rates. This research aims to explore the role of interpersonal communication in improving employee retention in multinational corporations. To achieve this, a descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach is necessary to gain a deep understanding of the importance of effective interpersonal communication.The research method involves a literature review of academic articles, credible research journals, and relevant sources obtained through Google Scholar. The research findings indicate that effective interpersonal communication plays a vital role in enhancing employee retention in multinational corporations. Good communication between management and employees can create a positive work environment, increase employee engagement, and strengthen the sense of ownership towards the company.Furthermore, effective interpersonal communication also helps overcome cultural differences, language barriers, and communication styles that may hinder collaboration within multinational teams. Effective interpersonal communication is indeed the key to improving employee retention. Based on these findings, several recommendations are provided for multinational corporations to enhance employee retention through effective interpersonal communication.Firstly, companies should provide cross-cultural communication training for their employees, focusing on cultural understanding, business ethics, and communication skills that are sensitive to differences. This training will assist employees in interacting with colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds.Secondly, multinational corporations should ensure the existence of open and transparent communication channels throughout the organization. This can be achieved through the use of technology that facilitates fast and efficient information exchange, as well as policies and procedures that support open communication between management and employees.Thirdly, management needs to create an inclusive work environment where every employee feels heard, valued, and respected. This can be accomplished by promoting team collaboration, facilitating open discussions, and providing constructive feedback to employees.

    • Emotional Intelligence and Its Impact on Leadership Effectiveness (Greater Irbid Municipality - Jordan)
      Original Research Article
      Country Jordan
    • Pages 47-55
    • Dr. Mohan Megavath
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study aimed to identify the level of emotional intelligence and its impact on the level of leadership effectiveness in the Greater Irbid Municipality from the employees’ point of view. The study relied on the descriptive and analytical approach, using primary and secondary sources to answer the research questions. The study was conducted on a sample of 150 employees and administrators, and their answers were analyzed Using the statistical analysis program (SPSS) and measuring the level of emotional intelligence by dividing it into three dimensions (self- awareness, social skills and empathy), the results showed a statistically significant effect of the level of emotional intelligence on the level of leadership effectiveness and recommended more training programs for leaders to enhance their emotional intelligence skills, and searching for other influential factors to increase the effectiveness of leaders.

    • The Influence of Digital Leadership on Employee Performance of the Public Works Office of North Penajam Paser District with Employee Creativity as A Mediation Variable
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 56-65
    • Rafenska Sonnia Mandayanti
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The purpose of this study was to investigate how employee creativity functiond as a mediator between the impact of digital leadership and the performance of North Penajam Paser Regency, Department of Public Works employees. Eighty respondents who worked for theDepartment of Public Works made up the saturation sample for the study. Thiscombined quantitative research analysis with descriptive research, utilizing primary data obtained via Google Form survey methods. A Likert scale was used in the measurement scale. Statistical analysis, validity and reliability tests, r-square, model fit, and inner model analysis were used in the data analysis process. The study's findings demonstrated the considerable beneficial effects of digital leadership on workers' productivity and creativity. Employee creativity had a significant positive influence on employee performance and finally employee creativity was able to mediate the influence of digital leadership on employee performance positively and significantly.

    • Stock Performance Before and During Covid-19 in Southeast Asian Capital Markets: A Magnitude of the Difference
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 66-81
    • Ervita Safitri || Darma Yanti || Yunie Rahayu || Anggrelia Afrida
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Seeing the Difference between Stock Performance and Before and During Covid-19 in the Southeast Asian Capital Markets. The novelty of this study is the difference in stock performance using the Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio and Jensen Ratio methods before and during Covid-19 in the Southeast Asian capital markets. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis technique. Annual data on the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) published on for 6 months prior to 2019 and 6 months during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. This research covers stock indices of developing countries in Southeast Asia. Differences in stock performance before and during Covid-19 using the Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen methods. This is because the signal about the existence of information on the movement of the stock price index decreased and made the market react because the information circulating was responded to by investors.During the Covid-19 pandemic, the stock index experienced a decline, which made the performance of shares in the Southeast Asian capital market decline even more because there were many impacts that caused these shares to decline. This study uses the literature Sharpe Ratio method, Traynor Ratio method and Jensen Ratio in evaluating stock performance by considering risk and return in seeing differences in stock performance. The results obtained are that there are differences in stock performance before and during Covid-19 which affect investor preferences in making investment decisions

    • Examining the Performance of Islami Banking: Bangladesh Perspective
      Original Research Article
      Country Bangladesh
    • Pages 82-93
    • Md. Alamin
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Islami banking has played a pivotal role in fostering prosperity and economic growth in Bangladesh. Since its establishment, the Islami banking industry has demonstrated robust performance, currently holding over 25 percent of the market share within the nation's entire banking sector. This study aims to scrutinize the performance of Islami banks in Bangladesh, employing time series data spanning from 2018 to 2022 obtained from various reports published by Bangladesh Bank. To achieve our objectives, several key variables were examined, including total deposits, total investments, total remittances, excess liquidity, branches, employment, industry share, return on assets (ROA), and return on equity (ROE). The analysis reveals that Islami banks have consistently exhibited strong growth in deposits, investments, remittances, excess liquidity, employment, branch network, industry share, ROA, and ROE. However, the study also identified a negative trend in deposits and excess liquidity. In conclusion, this study proposes certain policy recommendations enhancing the performance of Islami banking in Bangladesh.

    • The Influence of Village Apparatus Competence, Compliance with Financial Reporting and Internal Control Systems on Fraud Prevention with Moral Sensitivity as A Moderation Variable
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 94-112
    • Ria Lorenza, Erma Setiawati || Andy Dwi Bayu Bawono
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study aims to empirically determine the competence of village apparatus, compliance with financial reporting and the Internal Control System against fraud prevention with Moral Sensitivity as a moderation variable. The research method used in this study is associative research with quantitative research approach or hypothetico-deductive method. The population in this study was 129 village apparatuses. The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling with convenience sampling method and using the Slovin formula, so that the sample of this study was 129 respondents. Data collection tools in the form of questionnaires and literature studies. The data analysis technique in this study is using the SEM- PLS method.The results of this study prove that: 1) The competence of the village apparatus and the Internal Control System has a significant and positive effect on fraud prevention, while the compliance with Financial Reporting does not have a significant and positive effect on fraud prevention; 2) Villageapparatus competence, Financial Reporting Compliance, and Internal Control System have a significant and negative effect on fraud prevention with Moral Sensitivity as a Moderating Variable.

    • The Application of the Concept of Fraud Hexagon Theory In Detecting Academic Fraud Behavior in University Students.
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 113-126
    • Aulia Kurniawati || Erma Setiawati || Rina Trisnawati
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The issue of academic fraud is a problem that can occur anywhere, to anyone and at any time. Likewise among students. Whereas one of the future assets of a nation and state is students. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant influence between pressure, opportunity, rationalization, arrogance and collusion in detecting academic fraud behavior in FEB students at Muhammadiyah University Surakarta. The research method used is quantitative with SPSS version 23 software, the analysis used is multiple linear analysis. The results in this study are the results of testing with SPSS obtained for variable X1 (Pressure) obtained a significance level of 0.032. By using a significance limit of 0.05, the significance value is smaller than the 5% level, which means that the level of Pressure has a significant effect on Academic Fraud Behavior. The test results with SPSS obtained for variable X2 (Opportunity) obtained a significance level of 0.000. By using a significance limit of 0.05, the significance value is smaller than the 5% level, which means that the level of Opportunity has a significant effect on Academic Fraud Behavior. The test results with SPSS obtained for variable X3 (Rationalization) obtained a significance level of 0.988. By using a significance limit of 0.05, the significance value is greater than the 5% level, which means that the level of Rationalization has no significant effect on Academic Fraud Behavior. The test results with SPSS obtained for variable X4 (Aroggance) obtained a significance level of 0.000. By using a significance limit of 0.05, the significance value is smaller than the 5% level, which means that the level of Arogance has a significant effect on Academic Fraud Behavior. The test results with SPSS obtained for variable X5 (Capability) obtained a significance level of 0.007. By using a significance limit of 0.05, the significance value is smaller than the 5% level, which means that the level of Capability has a significant effect on Academic Fraud Behavior. The test results with SPSS obtained for variable X6 (Collusion) obtained a significance level of 0.011. By using the significance limit of 0.05, the significance value is smaller than the 5% level, which means that the level of Collusion has a significant effect on Academic Fraud Behavior.

    • Transforming Healthcare with Block Chain Technology: A Comprehensive Study
      Original Research Article
      Country India
    • Pages 127-134
    • Mr. Vivin Anand
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Blockchain technology, known for its disruptive potential, offers a unique opportunity to revolutionize the Indian healthcare sector by addressing its complex challenges. This study evaluates the viability of blockchain in healthcare and examines the awareness and readiness of key stakeholders. It includes data from 43 respondents, representing patients, healthcare professionals, and blockchain experts. The analysis of their perspectives provides essential insights. Key findings reveal a diverse range of awareness levels among stakeholders, emphasizing the need for targeted educational programs. Blockchain experts exhibit optimism in the technology's ability to enhance data security, transparency, and streamline processes, particularly through smart contracts. Healthcare professionals express a willingness to adopt blockchain but face challenges due to limited integration and data management issues.Patients and primary caregivers are open to technological solutions for improved healthcare data management. Recommendations include tailored educational programs, user-friendly interfaces, customized integration strategies, robust cyber security, and regulatory frameworks. A focus on empowering patients and fostering transparency is essential. In summary, this study underscores the transformative potential of blockchain technology in Indian healthcare. With the right strategies, it can bring innovation, efficiency, and security to the sector, benefiting both professionals and patients. Blockchain has the power to reshape the future of healthcare in India.

    • Strategic Plan of Pku Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Hospital With Swot Analysis
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 135-144
    • Hasni Dyah Kurniawati
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • A hospital has a core business of providing medical services which is a capital intensive, labor intensive, profession intensive and problem intensive business. Regulations in the service sector, an increasing demand from the public for health services, cooperation with third parties, and both medical and non-medical staff affect the direction of hospital policy. Furthermore, the influence of the globalization era pushing towards a market economy causes competition between institutions unavoidable causing the health sector to become competitive. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a strategic plan as a reference for management and related parties in determining policies to be more targeted so that a hospital's objectives can be achieved. In order to implement an optimal strategic plan, it is necessary to carry out an internal analysis of the strengths and weaknesses and an external analysis of the opportunities and threats. Finally, an optimal strategy can be obtained that will take advantage of the strengths and opportunities and overcome weaknesses and threats.

    • Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) As A Concept and Its Implementation
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 145-150
    • Muhammad Dahlan
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This research aims to explain the role of the sustainability function of supply chain management in the manufacturing, trade and service industries using academic literature so that supply chain management users can explain and apply the SCM concept efficiently and effectively. This research uses secondary data collected indirectly on the objects studied from various sources, from individuals, print and electronic media as well as companies that have implemented SCM. This object data is then processed, classified, analyzed and summarized to form a narrative and conclusions. Based on the results of the literature review, it can be explained that: (1). Supply chain management is often referred to as SCM. SCM is a very important field in the business world because it is directly connected to the company's competitiveness; (2). SCM can be applied to both manufacturing, trading and service companies; (3). Supply Chain Management in a company will provide benefits, namely increasing customer satisfaction, increasing income, reducing costs, higher asset utilization, increasing profits, and making the company bigger.

    • Developing A Scale to Measure Organizational Agility Among Colleges and Universities
      Original Research Article
      Country Philippines
    • Pages 151-166
    • Edgardo O. Castillo || Gloria E. Detoya
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study was conducted to develop a scale to measure organizational agility among colleges and universities. This study utilized the exploratory mixed-method approach following a two-phase study design. The first phase consisted of in-depth interviews with 12 school heads, deans, and member of the quality management council, selected purposively in order to develop a significant statement for the development of factor structure on organizational agility which will be used in the second phase. The formulated item statements were undergone validation using Lawshe’s Content Validity Ratio (CVR). The second phase was the development of survey instruments for 167 respondents, selected randomly. In the first phase, exploratory factor analysis was used to identify the salient factors which yielded four dimensions. The four dimensions that characterized organizational agility, after 12 iterations are an adapted leadership and innovative culture, strategic learning culture and adaptive governance, Digital Resilience, and Navigating Transformation for safety and well-being. These dimensions were validated through a quantitative phase utilizing the confirmatory factor analysis which reinforces the robustness of the scale, affirming the significance of the identified constructs in measuring organizational agility. The examination of internal consistency within the questionnaire further strengthens the reliability of the measurement tool, ensuring that the study's findings are grounded in well-validated and internally coherent measures of organizational agility.

    • Tourist Accessibility in the Sanctuary of San Andrés De Teixido (Galicia - Spain)
      Original Research Article
      Country Spain
    • Pages 167-178
    • Sergio Muíño Freire || Xosé Manuel Santos Solla
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Tourism is a sector that moves millions of tourists every year, 970 million in 2023 (OMT, 2024) around the world. The need to develop accessible, barrier-free and inclusive tourism, adapted to the abilities that each person may have, is growing. Those destinations that concentrate their efforts on planning their infrastructures and services within this framework will become a reference of good practices, improving their image, the quality of life of their population, the tourist experience and will attract visitors interested in quality, universal and inclusive tourism. «Tourism for all». In this case, the sanctuary of San Andrés de Teixido is a reference point for pilgrimages in Galicia (Spain), attended by thousands of people every year with different circumstances and physical abilities.

    • Influence of Self-Efficacy, Stress, and Culture on the Productivity of Industrial Sales Executives in Latin American Sales Networks
      Original Research Article
      Country SPAIN
    • Pages 179-184
    • John Deep Smith
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study would investigate how self-efficacy and emotional regulation, influenced by cultural factors, affect stress management and business productivity in the context of sales networks between Latin American countries. Additionally, it would examine the role of sales incentives as mediators in this relationship, offering a holistic view of how these elements interact to impact sales performance in the region.

    • The Effect of Financial Ratios, Corporate Governance And company Size on Financial Distress In Real Estate Companies Listed on The indonesia Stock Exchange In 2017-2021
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 185-194
    • Sabaruddin || Ikbal Maulana
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study aims to determine the effect of financial ratios (current ratio), leverage ratio (debt to equity ratio), profitabilityratio (return on assets), activity ratio (total assets turn over), growth ratio (sales growth), corporate governance (managerial ownership, institutional ownership, board of directors, board of commissioners, audit committee) and company size against financial distress in real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population of this study is real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2021. The method used in sampling is using purposive sampling with certain criteria and using secondary data which results in 31 companies being used as samples. The analysis technique used is logistic regression analysis using IBM SPSS version 23. The dependent variable in this study is financial distress proxied with a modified Altman Z-Score. The results showed that the liquidity ratio (current ratio) and profitability ratio (return on assets) had a significant effect on financial distress. While the leverage ratio (debt to equity ratio), activity ratio (total assets turn over), growth ratio (sales growth), managerial ownership, institutional ownership, board of directors, board of commissioners, audit committee, and company size have no influence on financial stress.

    • Effect of Project Procurement Management Practices on Project Performance in Nigeria,
      Original Research Article
      Country Nigeria
    • Pages 195-205
    • ERETAN, Gbenga Ologbon
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The development of any country has become increasingly dependent on project management. Project management techniques have been employed by several enterprises to close the gap between project implementation success and failure. Despite businesses' growing knowledge of project management, projects continue to fail to meet their planned objectives.These challenges raise questions as to what extent procurement management practices might improve project performance. Hence, the study was carried out specifically to evaluate the effect of procurement planning on the timely delivery of a project and the effect of supplier selection on the quality of the project delivered in China Civil Engineering Construction Company Nigeria Limited (CCECC Nig. Ltd). A survey research design was used in this study. The population of this study consisted of 124 staff of CCECC Nig. Ltd. Census sample size determination was used due to the small population size. Out of the total number of 124 copies ofthe questionnaire distributed, 91 usable copies were found valid and used of the analysis.The questionnaire was validated using content validity. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to determine the reliability at α = 0.795. Mean and standard deviation was used for the descriptive analysis, while regression analysis was used to analyze the formulated hypotheses.The findings of this research revealed that there is a significant impact of procurement planning, supplier sourcing on timely delivery of project and quality of project delivered with R2 = 0.776 and 0.384 respectively. It was recommended among others that CCECC Nig. Ltd and other construction companies should continue to ensureadequate procurement planning with a focus on selecting the right supplier to ensure effective procurement management which improves project performance and introduction of research and development unit.

    • The Influence of Innovation and Participant Fee in Improving Service Quality on Participant Satisfaction of The National Health Insurance Program (Jkn) in Bener Meriah District
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 206-211
    • Rian Maulidi || Muhammad Adam || Mukhlis
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This research aims to examine the innovation and participant fees effect in improving service quality on participant satisfaction in the National Health Insurance (JKN) program in BenerMeriah District. In this study, the intended population is all JKN program participants in BenerMeriah District, totaling 20,212. Determining the number of samples for Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis uses the formula 10 times the number of indicator variables, totaling 23 indicators used, totaling 230 samples, and also using random sampling. Data were analyzed using SEM for the direct effect test and the Sobel calculator for the indirect effect test. The result shows that In the JKN Program in BenerMeriah District, Innovation affects the quality of service, Participant fee influences the quality of service, Innovation influences participant satisfaction, Participant fee influences participant satisfaction, Service quality influences participant satisfaction, Service Quality mediates the Innovation effect on Participant Satisfaction, and Service Quality mediates the Participant fee effect on Participant Satisfaction. This finding also shows that Service Quality is a partial mediator for the entire model tested. So it can be said that the model for increasing Participant Satisfaction in the JKN Program in BenerMeriah District is a function of strengthening innovation, increasing Participant fees, and increasing Service Quality.

    • The Influence of Knowledge Management on Sustainable Organizational Development Based on Innovation and Competency At Pt. Pln (Persero) Aceh Main Unit
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 212-221
    • Hendri || M shabri Abd Majid || Sulaiman
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The main goal of this research is to find out the knowledge management impact on sustainable organizational development based on innovation and competency at PT PLN (Persero) Aceh Main Unit (PLN Aceh). This study used all employees of PLN Aceh as the data population; it is about 900 employees, and the sample size used in this study was about 277 employees, according to the Slovin formula. This research used the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The research results show that knowledge management influences motivation, knowledge management influences innovation, knowledge management influences competency, knowledge management does not influence sustainable organizational development, motivation influences sustainable organizational development, innovation influences sustainable organizational development, competency influences sustainable organizational development, Knowledge Management influences Sustainable Organizational Development Thru Motivation, Knowledge Management influences Sustainable Organization Development Thru Innovation, and Knowledge Management influences Sustainable Organizational Development Thru Competency. These findings explain that all mediators in the model function as full mediators, because knowledge management cannot significantly influence sustainable organizational development directly. So the results explain that the model for increasing sustainable organizational development at PLN UIW Aceh is a function of strengthening knowledge management, by strengthening the motivation, innovation, and competency of its employees

    • Effect of Managerial Restructuring on the Performance of Selected Public Universities in Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 222-237
    • Janealtone Florence Nyanchama || Daniel M. Wanyoike
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study investigated the impact of managerial restructuring on the performance of selected public universities in Kenya. Descriptive statistics revealed moderate levels of cost restructuring, CEO replacements based on performance, low staff turnover, and restructuring in management functions and operational units. The regression analysis demonstrated a significant positive effect of managerial restructuring on performance, with a coefficient of 0.747. The correlation analysis further supported these findings, indicating positive associations between various aspects of restructuring and performance metrics. Multiple linear regression showed that the model explained a substantial portion of performance variance (R-squared = 0.553). The study concludes that managerial restructuring, as evidenced by CEO replacements and operational changes, has a positive and statistically significant impact on university performance. These results align with previous studies and contribute valuable insights for university administrators and policymakers.

    • The Impact of The RCEP Agreement on Attracting Foreign Direct Investment into Vietnam
      Original Research Article
      Country Vietnam
    • Pages 238-250
    • Thi Huong Do || Ngoc Mai Nguyen || Khanh Chi Nguyen || Xuan Dung Nguyen || Thi Anh Ngoc Vu
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) signed in 2020 and was effective from the next 2 years, which has become an important milestone in the integration process in the Asia - Pacific. Besides, foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in Vietnam's economic development. Therefore, researching factors affecting FDI attraction into Vietnam to improve the investment environment and economic growth is extremely necessary. The article used a research sample of 58 investment partner countries in the period 2020-2022 to forecast the impacts of the RCEP Agreement on the shift of FDI capital flows into Vietnam. Through building an econometric model using panel data, the estimation results show gross domestic product, export turnover to Vietnam, government spending, national reserves, and trade openness. and participation in the RCEP agreement are factors that promote FDI into Vietnam. This empirical result can suggest some recommendations for management agencies in managing macroeconomic policies and domestic enterprises in improving their competitiveness to attract and effectively utilize results of FDI capital flows in Vietnam in the coming time

    • The Effect of Globalization on the Income Inequality of Developing Countries
      Original Research Article
      Country Nigeria
    • Pages 263-269
    • ATAYI Abraham Vincent || Rahila Timothy Dantong || GomerepDawak Velji || CHINSHAKA Ayuba Sitdang
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • : This study examines the effect of globalization on income inequality in developing countries. By analyzing a comprehensive body of literature and empirical studies, we explore the complex relationship between globalization and income distribution. Proponents argue that globalization promotes economic growth and poverty reduction, leading to a decline in income inequality. However, critics contend that globalization disproportionately benefits the wealthy, exacerbating income disparities. The result shows that, the coefficient of determination (R2) showed the percentage of variations in the dependent variable that can be explained by the independent variables. The R2 of 0.831622 or 83% showed that Economic growth can be explained by changes in the explanatory variables as shown in the model and the remaining 17% is explained by the dummy variable. Furthermore, Globalization had also had a positive impact on exchange rate and unemployment under the study period. This means that globalization led to an increase in exchange rate and at the same time unemployment in Nigeria. Above all, globalization had a positive impact on the overall performance of the economy which is proxy by GDP. The findings underscore the need for nuanced analysis and tailored policy interventions to mitigate the potential negative effects of globalization on income distribution in developing countries. The study recommends among other things that government needs to put in place measures that will reduce the high level of inflation, so as to increase the production of good and services with the help of an improve technology thereby increasing income within the economy.

    • The Impact of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) on Employee Commitment
      Original Research Article
      Country Vietnam
    • Pages 270-282
    • Nguyen Ngoc Linh || Pham Thi Thuy Tien || Pham Thi Ngoc Phuong || Nguyen Minh Ngoc || Le Trang Nhung || Tran Manh Linh
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The presence of new technology, RPA (Robotic Process Automation), is believed to be a valuable assistant for businesses in general and individuals working for any specific organisations. Businesses might benefit from this technology, however, employees in certain departments might feel threatened about this technological substitution, which might result in personal deduction. This study aims to discover employees' behavioural intentions and perspectives on the application of RPA in their work. Specifically, the research will focus mainly on ease of use and the efficiency of RPA. Therefore, the level of commitment to the enterprises from their workforce can be concluded through mediating factors such as employee's satisfaction about the participation of RPA. Through the convenient sampling method with a sample of 229 observations, 18 questions were sent to businesses currently operating in various industries, which has shown that the relationship we studied demonstrates a positive direction. It can be seen that RPA is a new technology, and both the intention to use and ease of use have a significant impact on employees' intention to use, thereby increasing their satisfaction and commitment to the company when working. The results of this study support the viewpoints and findings of previous studies, alongside the discovery of new factors, namely, when employees have the intention to use RPA technology, their commitment to the enterprise will be immediately implemented.

    • An Analysis of the Causes and Consequences of Economic Recession in Nigeria
      Original Research Article
      Country Nigeria
    • Pages 283-290
    • ATAYI Abraham Vincent || CHINSHAKA Ayuba Sitdang || Rahila Timothy Dantong || Gomerep Dawak Velji
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The present study investigates the aftermath of economic downturns in Nigeria. High rates of unemployment, a rise in poverty, pressures from inflation, a decrease in government revenue, and social instability are all part of these effects. The study emphasizes the negative impacts on people, households, and the economy as a whole, highlighting the pressing need for focused strategies to lessen these effects. Nigeria's economy is unstable due to the combination of these variables, making it prone to recessionary cycles. In order to effectively mitigate the effects of recessions and promote sustainable economic growth, policymakers and scholars must have a thorough understanding of the processes that lead to these recessions and the consequences that follow.The study demonstrates that the recession has a major impact on Nigeria's economic growth. The research makes a number of policy recommendations in light of the findings. Investing in infrastructure development, policy stability and coherence, countercyclical fiscal measures, diversifying the economy beyond oil, and fortifying institutions are a few of these. Nigeria can improve the well-being of her people, encourage sustainable economic growth, and become more resilient to economic downturns by tackling these issues and putting the right policies in place. Nigeria can create a more robust and resilient economy that can resist external shocks and promote sustainable growth by addressing the underlying causes and comprehending the effects of recessions.