
September-October 2023

Volume 7, Issue 5 (September-October 2023)

  • Work-Life Balance as Determinant to Employee Work Commitment
    Original Research Article
    Country Philippines
  • Pages 01-41
  • Dr. Khaled Rabee
  • Abstract | pdf Pdf
  • The study was conducted to determine whether work-life balance can determine employee commitment among employees of four Baguio City business process outsourcing (BPO) companies. The study was guided by the spillover theory and side bet theory to answer the following research objectives: to determine the extent of work-life balance, employee commitment, significant differences in work-life balance, and commitment of BPO employees when grouped according to their demographics. The findings of the study revealed the following: first, it was found that the work demands of BPO employees regularly interfere with their personal lives; their personal life activities rarely interfere with their work demands; and to a shallow extent, employees have not been able to fulfill their work and personal lives. In addition, the inferential statistic revealed a significant difference regarding employees' responses to work-life balance regarding their demographics, including age, marital status, tenure, and position. Furthermore, employees of BPO companies were found to have a high level of affective commitment because they have a sense of pride and personal obligation to perform their responsibilities as expected by their organization. On the other hand, the employees had a low level of continuance commitment because they were confident in losing their income, friendships, and prestige. They had a low level of normative commitment because they perceived that their organization had not invested enough in them. As such, they had no moral obligation to stay when presented with a better opportunity elsewhere. The study also revealed a significant difference in employees' commitments regarding their demographics, including age, marital status, tenure, and position. Finally, it was revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between work-life balance and employee commitment. Based on the findings, conclusions and recommendations were drawn that the management of BPO companies can implement to enrich their employee commitment levels sustainably.

    • Impact of Scouting Program in Promoting Gross National Happiness Philosophy in the Schools Under Lhuentse Dzongkhag.
      Original Research Article
      Country Bhutan
    • Pages 42-52
    • Sangay Tshewang || Sonam Duba
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The former Minister of education Thakur Singh Powdyelstated that scouting values are useful and most needed for the country. In Bhutanese education system, scouting program is not only considered as channel to upheld the wholesome education for learners but also it is integrated as one way to promote the values of Gross National Happiness in the school. So, this research aimed to find the impact of Scouting Programs in promoting the Gross National Happiness philosophy in the schools under Lhuentse Dzongkhag. This research adopted quantitative method by employing the 5-points Likert scale survey questionnaire; strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree with Horkheiner critical theory as a research paradigm with descriptive research design. Data were collected from the eight schools of the Lhuentse district with stratified sampling method. The study shows thestrong positive relationship between school scouting programs and Gross National Happiness philosophy with the significant positive impact to the promotion of GNH philosophy in the school through scouting program.

    • Implementation of Maqashid Syari’ah Asy Syathibi in Operational Performance Measurement KSPPS BMT Syari’ah Mandiri Ampel
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 53-69
    • Arif Nugroho Rachman || Fatchan Achyani || Erma Setiawati
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of the maqashid syari’ah index, which was dug by the priest Asy Syathibi, in measuring the operational performance of KSPPS BMT Syari’a Mandiri Ampel in terms of business and management of the country. This type of research is qualitative and descriptive, using primary data sources and data collection techniques through interviews and observations. The researchers took as many as seven informants, who were divided into several sections, including the managing part of three informants, the manager part of two informants, and the supervisory part of two informants. The triangulation used is data triangulation. Data analysis techniques are performed through interviews using recordings, then conducting tanskip interviews. After obtaining the transskip result of the interview, researchers perform data processing using coding methods by pulling keywords from the transskip result obtained. The keywords are grouped into tables that will then be described and interpreted until a conclusion is drawn. The results of the data and discussions showed that in measuring the operational performance of KSPPS BMT Syari’ah Mandiri Ampel both from the business operational performances as well as the operating performance of maal, using the Maqashid Syari'ah Index promoted by Priest Asy Syathibi, one can draw the conclusion that the operational performance of maal KSPPs BMT Syari'a Mandiri Ampel seen from the Qasdhu Al Shari’fi wad’I al Shari’ah indicators with the measurement of al dharuriyyah, al hajjiyyah, and al tahiniyah has been implemented through the provision of facilities for the community in general, members, managers, directors, and supervisory councils in developing education and skills. The business operational performance of the Qasdhu al syari’fi indicator was inspired by KSPPS BMt Syari’ah Mandiri Ampel’s implementation, which, in explaining the system and the performance performed by the administrator, has already provided easy-to-understand information related to the trusted management of funds. This management is done in a transparent manner and socialized thoroughly with the general public. KSPPS BMT Syari’ah Mandiri Ampel's operational performance has been in accordance with the makashid syary’ah of Priest Asy Syathibi, where the operational implementation is carried out according to the ability of both managers and members, with one of them demonstrated through the management of NPF by the manager, payment of contributions by members of the financing, and management in an effort to develop the business of members of the financing. KSPPS BMT Syari’ah Mandiri Ampel from qasdu al Shari’fi dwelta throna ahkam al Shari'ah that implementation of business operational performance and operational performances maal, with subjection to the law of syara’ and according to syari’at, where settlement of financing is problematic, and NPF through personal and family approach, without having to use violence, intimidation, and other means. KSPPS BMT Syari’ah Mandiri Ampel in managing funds entrusted by members can be implemented in accordance with the directions of the Shari’ah, as well as implementing non-halal income management carefully, with reference to applicable law.

    • Monitoring and Evaluation Budget and Performance of Water and Sanitation Projects in Nakuru County, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 70-76
    • Ivy Makinia Simiyu || Dr. Robert Mang’ana Okwoyo
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Water and sanitation services in Nakuru County suffers from a host of problems including inadequate water production and weak institutional capacity. These challenges persist despite the county government's efforts to alleviate them. Therefore, the effectiveness of the monitoring and evaluation budget raises major concerns. The current study evaluated the influence of monitoring and evaluation budget on the performance of water and sanitation projects in Nakuru County. The study was anchored by participatory monitoring and evaluation theory. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. The target population was the 192 project managers, monitoring and evaluation officers, and property management agencies. A sample of 130 respondents was obtained through stratified random sampling. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential analysis methods were used. The data analysis was aided by Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive findings established that monitoring and evaluation budget influence the performance of water and sanitation projects. The inferential findings showed asignificant relationshipbetween monitoring and evaluation budget and performance as depicted by a correlation coefficient (r=0.270; p=0.003). This means that water and sanitation projects’ performance was influenced by monitoring and evaluation budget. As per regression analysis results, the coefficient of determination was 0.073, hence monitoring and evaluation budget explained 7.3% of the variation in the performance of water and sanitation projects in Nakuru County. Therefore, the performance of water and sanitation projects was dependent on monitoring and evaluation budget.The study recommend the Nakuru County Government to embed monitoring and evaluation budget in policy frameworks and institutional guidelines to improve the performance of water and sanitation projects.

    • Ethical Leadership in the Age of Digitalization: Strategies for Effective Governance
      Original Research Article
      Country Morocco
    • Pages 77-84
    • Benlaayouni Abdelkarim
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The technological revolution has resulted in an unprecedented integration and use of digital technologies in automating and transforming business processes through transforming the traditional processes into digital ones. This digitalization has touched various aspects of the organization’s operations including data management, communication and the other business processes with the aim of improving efficiency and providing new services and products. In the context of the organization, leaders are driven to take decisions and actions that not only fit with the company culture and the internal and external environments but also with the ethical standards and the sustainable processes. Ethical leadership is deeply affected by digitalization in the sense that it introduces new challenges and opportunities for organizations to uphold ethical principles and values. The limitless amount of data that organizations can collect and process thanks to digitalization are very useful for decision makers in processing and enhancing the customer experience. However, such abundance of data pauses real risks and challenges such as privacy and security concerns, technological obsolescence, and the potential for digital divide and bias. The current study explores the relationship between digitalization and ethical leadership in the context of effective governance. Accordingly, ethical leadership is more crucial than ever in ensuring the appropriate and sustainable use of technology as digitalization changes the way firms function. The article offers a framework for efficient governance that includes incorporating digitization and moral leadership concepts into the company's culture, decision-making procedures, and avenues for communication. A list of best practices for moral leadership in the digital era are included in the blueprint, including encouraging responsibility, diversity, and inclusivity. Organizations may develop a culture of responsible digitization and support efficient governance that is advantageous to both the firm and society at large by implementing these principles. Our methodology will involve an exploration of the relationship between digitalization and ethical leadership within the context of effective governance. The study is going to employ a mixed method approach based on different case studies and interviews with employees and company leaders to get an understanding of the experiences and perspectives of leaders in navigating ethical dilemmas in the age of digitalization.

    • The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Service Quality Perceptions on Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 85-94
    • Sutrisno Wibowo || Shinta Iswancoro
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study aims to analyze the influence of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility perseptions and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty mediated by Customer Satisfaction at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The subjects in this study were active students at Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University. The number of samples used was 165 respondents obtained by convenience sampling method. The analysis tool used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with an alternative method of Partial Least Squares (PLS). based on the analysis that has been carried out, the results show that Corporate Social Responsibility has a significant positive effect on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty, Service Quality has a significant positive effect on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction has a significant positive effect on Customer Loyalty, and Customer Satisfaction mediates significantly Corporate Social Responsibility and Service Quality to Customer Loyalty.

    • The Moderation Role of Generation Z Adaptation on The Leadership Style Effect on Organizational Performance (Study at Pt. Pln Uiw Aceh)
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 95-100
    • RulyIskandar Lubis || Muhammad Adam || Mahdani
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study aims to test the role of Generation Z adaptation motivation on the leadership style influence on the organizational performance of PT. PLN Aceh Regional Main Unit (PT. PLN UIW Aceh/PLN Aceh).The population was all Generation Z employees who are members of PT PLN Persero Unit Banda Aceh Region. The total population of the PLN main unit in the Aceh region is 181 employees. Sampling was carried out using a census technique. Data was processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The result reveals that at PLN Aceh, Leadership influenced motivation, Leadership influenced Satisfaction, Leadership influenced Engagement, Leadership did not affect Performance, Motivation influenced Performance, Satisfaction influenced Performance, Engagement influenced Performance, Motivation fully mediated the Leadership influence on Performance, Satisfaction fully mediated the Leadership influence on Performance, Engagement fully mediated the Leadership influence on Performance, and Adaptation Purely Moderated the motivation influence on performance. These findings illustrate the model's direct effect, mediating effect, and moderating effect, which can contribute academically to the strengthening of the theory regarding the causality of the variables.These findings explain that the performance improvement model at PLN Aceh is a function of the suitability of its leadership style, increased employee motivation and satisfaction, and strengthened employee engagement.

    • The Influence of Work Culture on Increasing Knowledge and Its Impact on Personnel Performance and Organizational Performance at Pt Pln (Persero) Aceh Regional Main Unit
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 101-106
    • Zulfahmi Akbar || Muhammad Adam || T. Meldi Kesuma
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study aims to examine the work culture effect on increasing knowledge and its impact on personnel performance and organizational performance. The population was all personnel/employees of PT PLN (Persero)Aceh Regional Main Unit (or mentioned as PLN Aceh), specifically located in the city of Banda Aceh. The total population was 900 personnel, and the samples taken were 230 respondents according to the requirements for using the SEM-AMOS analysis method used in this study. The result shows that at PLN Aceh Work Culture influences Knowledge, Work Culture influences Personnel performance, Knowledge affects Personnel performance, Work Culture influences the PLN Aceh Performance, Knowledge influences the PLN Aceh performance, Knowledge partially mediates the Work Culture influence on Personnel performance, Knowledge fully mediates the Work Culture influence on PLN Aceh Performance. These findings explain that the performance improvement model at PLN Aceh is a function of adjusting the work culture, increasing knowledge, and improving the performance of its personnel. These findings also validate the causality model according to existing theory and can contribute to further research that needs to develop a performance model. This model can be combined with other research variables such as managerial abilities and unique personnel competencies.

    • The Role of Hedonic Browsing in Mediating Interpersonal Influence, Visual Attractiveness, and Convenience in Encouragement to Make Impulse Buying On Gojek Tokopedia
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 107-118
    • Gina Kembari Jasman || Permana Honneyta Loebis || Sorayanti Utami
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study aims to examine the interpersonal influence, visual attractiveness, and convenience effect on impulse buying with hedonic browsing as a mediator.The population was all Gojek Tokopedia users in Banda Aceh. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Data was collected from 270 respondents by distributing questionnaires online.The Likert scale was used to measure data and the model test was processed using SEM-AMOS.The test results conclude that interpersonal influence, visual attractiveness, convenience, hedonic browsing, and impulse buying have been going well, Then, interpersonal influence, visual attractiveness, and convenience have a significant positive effect on hedonic browsing and impulse buying,Hedonic browsing itself also influences impulse buying,Hedonic browsing partially mediates the influence of interpersonal influence, visual attractiveness, and convenience to make impulse buying.These findings explain that the model of increasing impulse buying is a function of increasing interpersonal influence, strengthening visual attractiveness, increasing convenience, and increasing hedonic browsing.

    • Comparison of Financial Performance and Market Performance on Pharmaceutical Companies on the Indonesian Stock Exchange Prior to and During the Pandemic
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 119-134
    • Mariana Ayu Damayanti Rianghepat
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The aim of this research is to examine differences in financial performance and market performance in pharmaceutical companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange before and during the pandemic. The research sample is 72 companies obtained by purposive sampling method. This is quantitative research with comparative analysis. Data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test, which was previously tested for normality. The research results show that there is no significant difference between the current ratio, quick ratio, return on assets, working capital turnover, price to book value, and price earnings ratio before and during the pandemic in pharmaceutical companies. In addition, there are significant differences between the net profit margin, debt to asset ratio, debt to equity ratio, and total asset turnover before and during the pandemic for pharmaceutical companies.

    • Project Resource Management and Performance of Large-Scale Water Projects in Rift Valley Region, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 135-142
    • Kennedy Toroitich Kurgat || Dr. Caleb Odhiambo
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Project resource management holds vital importance within the realm of project management, encompassing adeptly strategizing and employing the resources necessary for accomplishing a project. However, despite the tremendous investments, large-scale water projects in Kenya have encountered high failure rates over the past decade. The current study examined the effect of project resource management on the performance of large-scale water projects in the rift valley region, Kenya. The study was anchored by the resource-based view theory. A descriptive research design was adopted. The target population was the 14 large-scale water projects in Kenya's Rift Valley region. The unit of observation comprised 122 project members from the implementing agency, consultant, contractor, County government, water service provider, and community representatives. The questionnaire was employed in data collection. The descriptive statistical results showed that project resource management affects large-scale water projects’ performance. Correlation analysis results established that there was a positive and significant relationship (r=0.515**, p=.000) between project resource management and performance. The result implied that higher levels of performance of large-scale water projects can be attained with efficient and effective management of resources. In regression analysis, the beta coefficient (β=0.452, p=.000<0.05) was significant at a 95% confidence level. This means that the performance of large-scale water projects is affected by project resource management. The study concludes that optimized resource management minimizes cost overruns and streamlines operations. The study recommends the prioritization of the allocation of critical resources to high-impact tasks, which will improve the performance of large-scale water projects.

    • Flexible Work Environment Strategy and Employee Productivity in County Government of Nyandarua, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 143-149
    • Jane Njeri Michuki || David Gichuhi
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Employee productivity determines the optimization of workflows and processes within an organization. The effective delivery of services by county governments relies heavily on their personnel's capacity to consistently deliver desirable results. The ability to adjust work hours and arrangements empowers employees with a heightened feeling of control over their work-life balance, resulting in enhanced productivity. Nevertheless, employees of county governments in Kenya are yet to perform at optimum levels and this implies low employee productivity. It is against this challenge that the researcher examined the effect of a flexible work environment on employee productivity in the Nyandarua County Government. The study employed a descriptive research design. The target population was the 1906 employees at Nyandarua County Government. Proportionate stratified sampling was applied to obtain a sample of 95 respondents. A structured questionnaire was employed in collecting data. Data analysis was aided by Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). The descriptive findings established that the flexible work environment strategy affected employee productivity. According to the inferential results, the correlation coefficient was (r=0.710**; p=0.000), which implied that a significant relationship existed between a flexible work environment strategy and employee productivity. The regression statistical results indicated that the coefficient of determination R2=0.505, hence flexible work environment explains 50.5% of the variation in employee productivity. The study concludes flexible work environment allows employees to control their schedules, which increases productivity. The study recommends the County Government of Nyandarua to develop and implement comprehensive flexible work policies, to enhance stress management and improve employee productivity.

    • Effect of Mobile Banking on the Financial Performance of Saccos in Nakuru County, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 150-157
    • Rono Winnie Chepng’eno || Munene Ruthwinnie
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of mobile banking on the financial performance of SACCOs in Nakuru County, Kenya. Descriptive research design was adopted. The target population were deposit-taking SACCOS in Nakuru County. Census sampling was used to select 60 SACCOs.Questionnaires were distributed for data collection purposes of which 54 were duly filled and returned.Descriptive statistics and linear regression were used to analyse the data. The results were presented using tables and figures.The findings showed that mobile banking increased SACCO financial performance (r= 0.487)The model summary shows that with an adjusted R-square value of 0.613 (R2 = 0.613), this indicates that the IVs can be used in explaining 61.3% of the existing variability in the performance of SACCOs in Nakuru County, while other factors not addressed in the study contributed to 38.7% of SACCOs’ performance in Nakuru County.SACCOs should provide mobile banking security through the establishment of written standards, minimize time for setting mobile banking services in rural areas and mandatory registration of SACCO menbers to mobile banking.

    • Project Planning and Performance of Farm Forestry Projects in Kuresoi South Sub-County
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 158-169
    • Muthee Charles Muriuki || Wanyoike Daniel
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The main objective of the study was to asses the influence of project planning, project communication, project schedule management and monitoring and evaluation practices on the success of farm forestry projects in Nakuru County's Kuresoi South Sub-County. The study was based on resource-based theory, theory of constraints, theory of change. Descriptive research design was used for this study.The study main target was 96 household heads in Kuresoi South Sub County. The study adopted mixed methods in selecting the sample. study adopted purposive sampling technique . The study's data was be gathered via structured questionnaires. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 25 was used for analysis. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics was used to examine the data. For inferential statistics, Pearson's Product Moment correlation and multiple regression models was employed to understand more about the relationships between the variables. Tables displayed the results of the analysis. The study results that showed a strong positive statistically significant correlation between planning and project performance (r=780 ;p=0.000<0.05)

    • Costs of Implementing KYC Compliance and Prevention of Money Laundering and Fraud Risks on Commercial Banks in Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 170-177
    • Koske Dorothy Chelangat || Munene Ruthwinnie
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The know your customer‘ (KYC) has emerged as an important strategy for a proactive war against money laundering, both nationally and internationally. Central Bank of Kenya requires all banks to be compliant with know your customer (KYC) policy, which aids the country's fight against illegal banking practice.The main objective of the study was to examine the effects of costs of KYC compliance on prevention of money laundering and fraud risks on commercial banks in Kenya.The study was based on agency and behavioural finance Theories. Descriptive survey was adopted in the study. The study targeted 172 officers who make up the AML section that. Four financial officers from each of the 43 commercial banks. The sample size was 82 respondents. Purposive sampling was used in the study to select employees working in the AML department. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0. The data was next be examined using statistical techniques for both inference and descriptive analysis. The results showed that the costs associated with Know Your Customer compliance and money laundering and fraud risks within a commercial bank are positively and significantly correlated (r=0.930**, P=0.000).Finally the results regression model the high R Square value (0.916) indicates that the combination of Staff Competence, Customer Characteristics, and Cost of KYC Compliance predictors explains a substantial portion of the variance in the outcome variable. This implies that 91.6% of the independent variables are used to explain the dependent variable while 8.4% is explained by other factors. It is recommended that to reduced costs banks should incorporate machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to enhance the accuracy of monitoring systems.

    • Internal Control Initiatives and Revenue Collection Efficiency in the County Government of Nyeri, Kenya: Moderating Role of Information Technology Initiatives
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 178-188
    • Alice Muthami || Daniel Wanyoike
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Public revenue collection is an integral component of fiscal policy and administration in any economy because of its influence on government operations. It is the fuel of every government as it is the main instrument through which government funding is ensured. However, many counties in Kenya including Nyeri County Government have not been meeting their revenue collection targets in the past three years. The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of internal control initiatives on revenue collection efficiency in Nyeri County Government, Kenya. Further, the study sought to determine the moderating role of information technology initiatives on the relationship between internal control initiatives and revenue collection efficiency. The study was anchored on Rational Decision Making Theory and Technology Acceptance Model. A survey design was employed. The target population for this study was 65 senior county officers. Since the target population was fairly small, the study undertook a census study. The study used a self-administered questionnaire with closed-ended questions. The questionnaire was piloted in Nakuru County amongst similar revenue officers. The data collected from the questionnaires was analyzed using both descriptive (means and standard deviations) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression) with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results of the survey were presented in tables. The study established internal control initiatives (r=0.612**) and information technology initiatives (r=.678**) all positively correlated with revenue collection efficiency. The study further established an R-square of 0.375 implied that internal control initiatives explained 37.5 of variation in revenue collection efficiency. Furthermore, the overall model was found to be statistically significant (F = 28.807, p=.000). Furthermore, information technology initiatives were found to have a moderating role on the relationship between internal control and revenue collection efficiency. The study concluded that internal control initiatives and information technology initiatives were significant predictors of revenue collection efficiency. The study recommended the enhancement of these initiatives so as to build on the growth of revenue collection efficiency attained so far.

    • Institutional Stakeholder Involvement and Performance of Ongoing Construction Projects in Public Technical Institutes in Nakuru County, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 189-196
    • Chepkorir Mercy || Dr. Caleb Odhiambo
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Project performance in the TVET subsector is of great concern in Kenya as both Vision 2030 and Agenda Four policy directions enumerate the need to enhance the capacity and outputs of TVETs as a catalyst for industrial growth. The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of stakeholder involvement on project performance in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was anchored on Stakeholder Theory. The study employed a descriptive research design since it seeks to establish how one variable affects changes in another variable. The target population for this study was all 195 senior managers in the 25 public technical institutes in Nakuru County Kenya. Statistical formula was used to obtain a sample of 66 respondents. The study used a self-administered questionnaire with closed-ended questions. The questionnaire was piloted in TVETs in Nairobi City County amongst similar senior institutional managers. The data collected from the questionnaires was analyzed using both descriptive (means and standard deviations) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression) with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results of the survey were presented in tables. The study established that institutional stakeholder involvement (r=.660) was strongly and positively correlated with project performance. The study also established that the R-square of 0.435 implied that institutional stakeholder involvement explained 43.5% of variation in project performance. Therefore, other variables not investigated in this study accounted for 56.5% of variation in project performance. Furthermore, the overall model was found to be statistically significant (F = 40.794, p=.000). Similarly, from the linear regressions, institutional stakeholder involvement (B=0.569, p=.000) had significant influence on project performance. The study concluded that institutional stakeholder involvement significantly influenced project performance. The study recommended the development and implementation of mechanisms that help diversify stakeholder relationships and their engagement in all project activities.

    • Logistics Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance of Export Firms in Nakuru County, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 197-206
    • Pauline Mwongeli Munyao || Dr. Peter Kamoni
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Export firms play an important role in the economy by influencing employment, economic growth and balance of payments. Exports collectively account for approximately 62% of all the total domestic export earnings. Therefore, promoting exports encourages specialization and learning-by-doing, increasing productivity in the tradable sector and the entire economy. Export firms rely heavily on the efficiency of the supply chain framework of these firms. However, supply chain management practices such as logistics outsourcing remain unknown among these firms. The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of logistics outsourcing practices on supply chain performance in export firms Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was undertaken amongst all 34 export firms registered in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was anchored on a a Supply Chain Network Theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design and targeted 2 supply chain staff in the 34 export firms thus totaling a population of 68 procurement staff. Since the target population was fairly small, the study undertook a census survey. Closed ended questionnaires based on a 5-point Likert scale were used for data collection. The questionnaires were piloted among export firms in Machakos County. Before data collection, the researcher sought a research permit from the National Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI). The data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) computer software version 23.0. The study found a moderately strong correlation between logistics outsourcing and supply chain performance (r =.523**, p=.000). The study also found an R-square of 0.274 which implied that logistics outsourcing explained 27.4% of variation in supply chain performance of export firms. Therefore, the study concluded that logistics outsourcing was a significant predictor of supply chain performance.

    • Evaluation of Strategic Management Practices on Performance of Equity Bank Ltd, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 207-213
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Equity Bank is a key player in the financial sector with the largest market share in the commercial banks in Kenya. Despite stiff competition and significant challenges emanating from the other commercial banks, not excluding online digital banking services from mobile money providers have developed financial innovations as an alternative financial product to traditional banking. This study aimed to investigate strategic management practices' effect on Equity Bank's financial performance. The study also aimed to ascertain how strategic intent impacts the financial performance of Equity Bank Kenya. The researcher conducted the research study using a descriptive research design. The target group involved employees of Equity Bank Ltd Kenya. Data were gathered using a stratified random sampling sample of employees at the management level. A questionnaire was used to gather primary data, and five years' records of financial reports were examined for secondary data. To guarantee that the study instrument was of high quality, validity, and reliability tests were conducted. Ten staff from Kenya Commercial Bank participated in the pilot test. This aided in evaluating the study instrument's validity and dependability. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis and the presentation was the in form of tables, frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviation were used. Bivariate correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used in inferential statistics analysis to determine the correlation between financial performance and strategic intent. Similar to this, at a 95% level of confidence, strategic intent, was statistically significant to performance. The study recommends that managers at the corporate level should create policies that direct the creation of strategic intent and guarantee stakeholder participation in the strategic management process. The bank's management ought also to ensure a thorough environment scan is conducted in order to improve the organization's capacity to maximize and capitalize on strategic decisions. Additionally, all Equity Bank stakeholders should have the necessary support to carry out their corporate tasks both individually and collectively in an efficient and effective manner to boost financial performance.

    • Extreme Contexts, Organization Urban Ruins and Resilience: Impacts on Restaurant Management
      Original Research Article
      Country Brazil
    • Pages 214-225
    • Professor Marcia Crespo Ferreira || Professor Daniel Jardim Pardini || Professor Jurema Suely de Araujo Nery Ribeiro || Professor Victor Andrey Barcala Peixoto
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Uncertainty situations produced by extreme contexts impact management and organizational survival strategies, facilitated by resilience. The research used the metaphor of ruins as a backdrop for understanding the organizational urban ruins arising from the extreme context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the behavior of restaurant owners in coping with it. Its objective is to understand the impacts of an extreme context scenario on the perspectives of organizational urban ruins in the management of restaurants in the cities of Rome and Belo Horizonte, as well as the solutions used by the researched establishments in facing the crisis. The exploratory qualitative research was carried out through 41 interviews with restaurant owners in both cities, at the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, totaling 114 restaurants surveyed.The research creates a new categorization of ruins, the organizational urban ruins resulting from extreme contexts, and divides them into three phases: deconstruction, disclosure and reconstruction. The research results expand the theoretical and empirical knowledge about organizational ruins, as well as contribute to the enrichment of research on extreme contexts and resilience

    • Demand Forecasting Practice on Distribution Performance of Milk Processing Firms in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 226-234
    • Scovia Chepchumba Maiyo || Dr. Pauline Keitany
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Distribution performance is a critical component of the milk processing industry, ensuring that dairy products reach consumers efficiently and in optimal condition. While the country has made significant strides in milk production and processing, challenges in distribution performance persist. Milk consumption often follows seasonal patterns influenced by factors like weather and agricultural cycles. UasinGishu County experiences fluctuations in milk production due to rainfall patterns and forage availability, which can pose challenges for accurate demand forecasting (Odhiambo et al., 2020).In some cases, milk processing firms in UasinGishu County lack access to comprehensive historical data, making it difficult to develop accurate demand forecasts. Limited data result from the informal nature of some dairy activities in the region (Makau et al., 2019).Therefore, the study seeks to determine the effect of demand forecasting practice on distribution performance of milk processing firms in UasinGishu County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive research design. The unit of observation was 28 procurement officers, 73 store managers and 58 employees in logistics department which sums up to 159 employees. The study also targeted 2800 customers who purchases products from the milk processing firms. The study adopted census technique to incorporate all 159 targeted employees in the study. Moreover, the study used Nassiuma Formula to sample 97 customers. The study further adopted convenient sampling to interview the customers as they visited the milk processing firms. Primary data was sourced from the respondents through the use of semi structured questionnaires and interview schedules. A pilot study was conducted among Milk Processing Companies in Nakuru Town. Qualitative data was analyzed using themes where content analysis methodology was employed. Quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics involved the use of frequencies, percentages, mean, and std. Inferential statistics involved the use of correlation and regression analysis. After analysis qualitative data was presented in prose form while quantitative data was presented in form of tables. The study concluded that there exists a strong positive and significant relationship between transportation and distribution performance of milk processing firms in UasinGishu County.

    • Competitive Strategies and Performance of Fragrance Firm’s in Nairobi
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 235-252
    • Rodah Kavata Muasya || Dr ENOS B. ANENE
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Competitive strategies are the plans of action that firm takes to increase client attraction, withstand pressure from rivals, and improve market performance. These tactics enable a company to stand out and carry out daily operations; as a result, they are crucial in determining the marketplaces or industries to compete in. Businesses with better planning and execution of their competitive strategies are perceived to do better than their rivals. In Nairobi the fragrance firms have being growing in a quite an alarming rate that we can ignore these firms. The businesses have been required to develop plans that will allow them to; one differentiates their products from that of their competitors. Secondly due to lack of resources other firms have decided to focus on a specific niche market and adopted the focus strategies to be able to operate this market. The general objectives for this study is to study the influence of competitive strategies on performance of fragrance firms in Nairobi county. The specific objectives will be to examine differentiation strategies, cost leaderships strategies, focus strategies and time based distributions strategies on the performance of fragrance firms in Nairobi. This study will apply a descriptive survey design since the study seeks to explore and to describe a given characteristic in both qualitative and quantitative terms. The study’s target population shall include 155 employees that will be selected across the departments and different levels that is top management going down to production people. The study will collect primary data gathered using a structured questionnaire administered through drop and pick later method. The study will collect primary data acquired via a structured questionnaire that will be distributed utilizing the drop-and-pick technique. To address the research topics of this project, both qualitative and quantitative analysis of data will be performed. The content analysis will be used to examine the qualitative data, which will then be presented in prose. Microsoft Excel will be used by the researcher to assist in the computation of descriptive statistics for quantitative analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25 software. For further examination and comparison, the results will be summarized in tables and graphs.

    • Factors Affecting the Organizational Commitment among Healthcare Employees in Vietnam
      Original Research Article
      Country Vietnam
    • Pages 253-270
    • Vu Minh Huyen || Trinh Quoc Vuong || Duong Le Trung || Huynh Yen Nhung || Dr. Tran Manh Linh
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The study's goal is to examine the elements influencing Vietnamese healthcare employees' organizational commitment and draw some governance-related conclusions. 478 participants' data were gathered for the research. medical personnel employed in Vietnamese institutions. Methods for evaluating the scale's reliability, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and multivariate linear regression analysis were used to evaluate the data. The findings indicate that employee commitment is positively correlated with all factors. In descending order, the degree of influence from each variable on commitment is different: Leadership, Job satisfaction, organizational climate, organizational trust.

    • Determinants Influencing Performance of Mortgage Financing in Kenya; A Case of Housing Finance Company of Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 271-277
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The study's main objective was to examine how interest rates affect mortgage financing in Kenya. Theories that supported the study are asymmetric Information theory and credit risk theory, the descriptive survey was considered by the researcher since it facilitates the gathering of information over a wide geographic area and assists in describing the occurrences as they actually occur. 238 personnel from various departments of Kenya's Housing Finance Corporation made up the research population. To reach diverse employees and supervisors at different levels of management, a stratified random sample method was considered. By using questionnaires that were given to the sampled respondents, primary data was gathered. A reliability test was carried out and was accepted at 0.7 Cronbach to ensure the research instrument was reliable. Construct and content validity test was carried out to ensure the research instrument measured what it purported to measure. A pilot test was conducted on ten employees in Kenya's commercial bank mortgaging department in Nairobi. An ethical clearance letter, informed consent, and NACOSTI letter were availed to the respondents before collecting data. Data collected was presented in tables and frequencies. Inferential analysis was also utilized to further analyze the data. For parametric data, correlation analysis was done using Pearson correlation, and for non-parametric data, spearman moment correlation. According to the study's findings, the main regulations governing mortgage financing include interest rate setting on mortgage debt, governmental instruments, and fiscal actions. The study came to the conclusion that mortgage finance policies help property deals and foreclosures go through smoothly. The study made the suggestion that more research be done, taking into account the whole industry at the functional level and within the framework of the overall business strategy.

    • Influence of Knowledge Management Capabilities on Organizational Performance in commercial State Corporations in Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 278-304
    • Dr. Enos Anene Jomo Kenyatta || Martha Nkatha Kiugu
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Globally, knowledge management capabilities are increasingly becoming an important aspect for governments, businesses and NGOs to improve effectiveness, sustainability and ultimately organizational performance. Using the best knowledge management strategies can improve current and future organizational performance. Therefore, leveraging the first-rate knowledge control competencies is crucial. This study seeks to establish the effect of knowledge management capabilities and the performance of public corporations in Kenya.The specific research objective of the study will be to assess the impact of infrastructure capabilities, process capabilities, innovation capability, and learning capability on commercial state corporations performance in Kenya. The study will be anchored on resource-based vision theory, cognitive learning theory, socio-technical theory, organizational knowledge transfer theory, and knowledge spiral theory, which will involve the study of different variables. This study will be founded on the resource-based view theory, cognitive learning Theory, social-technical theory, organization knowledge conversion Theory and the Knowledge Spiral Theory. The study will adopt a descriptive research design targeting 55 Commercial State corporations in Kenya. The study will use stratified random sampling technique to selects a sample of 165CEO‟s, Human resource and Finance managers working in the Commercial State corporations in Nairobi, Kenya. Primary data will be collected using semi-structured questionnaires whereas secondary data will be collected using institutional websites. Pilot testing will be conducted on 16 employees which represents 10% of the sample size to assess questions validity and reliability. Data collected will be analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The relationships between variables will be determined using multiple regression analysis. From the analysis, a summary conclusions and recommendations will be made thereof.

    • Financial Reporting Applications as a Supplement to the Indigenous Villages Financial Information System
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 278-312
    • I Made Ariana || I Komang Sugiarta || I Made Bagiada || Kadek Apriliani
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The development of financial reporting applications as a supplement to financial information systems needs to improve the effectiveness of indigenous village financial reporting in Bali. Indigenous village heads face difficulties in reporting the overall financial management of indigenous villages to the indigenous village residents. This research aims to 1) develop financial reporting applications as a supplement to the financial information system and 2) assess the technical and operational feasibility of financial reporting applications as a supplement to the financial information system. The research model adapts the research and development steps of the planning, production, and evaluation (PPE) model. The instrument used in this assessment is the user response questionnaire. The research instrument uses 4 Likert scales, from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of 15 application users. The data is analyzed using percentage analysis techniques by comparing the total score per indicator with its ideal total score. The research results show that financial reporting applications as a supplement to financial information systems include inputs, processes, and financial reporting outputs. Assessment of the financial reporting applications as a supplement to financial information systems shows that the application has met technical and operational feasibility.

    • Examining Statistical Influence of Outsourcing Logistic Services as a Strategy on the Performance of 4 and 5 Star- Rated Hotels in Nakuru County
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 313-322
    • Miugo Peter || Dr. Mungara Maria
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • outsourcing of logistic services have been used by many hotels with an aim of outperforming their rivals. However most of the hotels had no statistical basis to say with certainty on how outsourcing of logistic services related to organization performance of hotels. These study was conducted to examine this fact where 4&5 star-rated hotels in Nakuru County were studied. Complexity of logistic services having remained as one of core challenges in star rated hotels ,the study was aimed at investigating how well was the logistic services offered by third party to these hotels and the magnitude of its contribution on organization performance on 4&5 star-rated hotels in Nakuru County. Two layers of management i.e. finance officers and operation managers were used as respondents together with 3 walking in customers in each specific hotels being studied. Prior to the real project the researcher did a pilot study at Laikipia county where 5 hotels were studied, which provided data that was used to systematically evaluate the instruments' validity and reliability. Reliability of the instruments was found to have a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.7 on test - pretest technique. A total of 23hotels were studied. Two sets of questionnaires, one for operation managers and financial officials, the other one for customers were used to gather data. Response rate was 95.8%.Data was analyzed both descriptively and inferentially. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) of version 24.0 computer application was used for the analysis. 5 Likert scale was used in scoring. Where the average scores of the management respondents and the average score of the customers in each specific hotels was summed up to come up with the final scores. The findings of correlation coefficient (0.8061) showed that there existed a strong positive relationship between outsourced logistic services and performance. The findings of regression analysis showed that when one unit of logistic outsourcing services increases it will change the organization performance by 0.32 units. Result also showed that outsourcing logistic services would definitely have some significant change in hotels performance since P value of 0.02 is less than 0.05 i.e. P< 0.05. However majority of 49.3% of customers when asked about the quality of products in the studied hotels disagreed that they are of good quality. Furthermore 47.8% of the customers disagreed that the products sold in the studied hotel were of fair price. The researcher recommended that, there is need for hotels to be selective when coming up with BPO firms where they outsource their services from, besides the researcher recommended that hotels should ensure to synchronize the BPO firms to the system and help each other to reduce their costs of operations and own the business together.

    • Rural Financing Support for Women Entreprenuers
      Original Research Article
      Country India
    • Pages 323-328
    • Dr Ch.Munendar Redddy
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Entrepreneurship is a process by which economies are created and put on growth. Enterprising is an activity that needs resources, it helps in creating employment, income and investment, enterprising is a massive scale of activity where utility works are undertaken and carried further to create business, trade and allied activities. In India entrepreneurship began much before independence, the Tata‟s and Birla‟s are early entrepreneurs of India, the entrepreneurial activity is limited to certain sections of our nation, not open to all so it stalled the growth and penetration of entrepreneurship. The Enterprising is so needed to have a consistent growth of economy and National progress, the gross domestic product heavily relays on the faster growth of enterprises which can be small, tiny, micro , medium and large scale enterprises, the Indian economy is a diverse in nature it projects higher on Agriculture and less on Industry.

    • The Role of Tajdid Inspirational Leadership in Realizing Human Resource Performance
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 329-343
    • Pramesti Dewi. Widodo || Sri Hartono
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This study aims to explore a new contextual model that can develop research topics between the role of learning organizations and performance that has been defined as Tajdid Inspirational Leadership. Tajdid Inspirational Leadership developed by adopting inspirational leadership theory enriched with Islamic spiritual called Tajdid. This study used causality research that showed the direction relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable and for measuring the strength of the relationship used by quantitative methods. The results of this research to improve Tajdid Inspirational Leadership are built by Exploitation learning with contains indicators are knowledge development, efficiency, competition and strategic orientation; as well as Exploration learning with contains indicators are adding new knowledge, new technology, and partnerships. Tajdid Inspirational Leadership has positive and significant effect on Smart Work and human resource performance.

    • Adaptive Decision-Making Approach and Organizational Performance of Insurance Companies in Nairobi County, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 344-351
    • William Lemara Nchoko || Dr. Samson Njenga Gitahi
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The capacity of insurance companies to consistently deliver services, such as safeguarding against losses and compensating for incurred losses, hinges on their organizational performance. However, the insurance claims increased by 20.7% while gross premiums grew by 18.5% between years 2019 and 2020. This situation poses a significant performance challenge for insurance companies, particularly in the prompt settlement of claims, which has become a prominent concern. It is against this background that the researcher examined the effectof adaptive strategic decision-making approach on organizational performance of insurance companies. The study was guided by strategic choice theory. The study employed descriptive research design. The target population was 42 insurance companies operating in Nairobi County. 210 managers comprising risk and compliance, human resource and administration, marketing and customer experience, finance, and operations managers from each insurance company were targeted in particular. A simple random sampling was applied to obtain sample of 68 respondents. Data was collected through structured questionnaires.Descriptive and inferential methods of data analysis were employed and analysis was aided by Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). The descriptive research findings established that the adaptive decision-making approach affected the organizational performance. The correlation statistical results showed that the relationship between adaptive decision-making approach and organizational performance was significant (r=0.725**; p=0.000) at 1% significance level. The result means that adaptive decision making approach affected organizational performance. The regression analysis results indicated that the coefficient of determination was R2=0.525. Therefore, adaptive decision-making approach accounted for 52.5% of the organizational performance of insurance companies. The study concluded that the adoption of an adaptive strategic decision-making approach within insurance companies enable them to effectively respond to changing market conditions and contribute to improved performance. The researcher recommended that insurance companies should prioritize a customer-centric approach in adaptive decision-making. This should incorporate regular analysis of customer feedback to adapt products, services, and marketing strategies to meet evolving their needs and expectations. The study will be beneficial to the insurance companies as it will empirically provide knowledge on the link between adaptive decision making approach, its adoption and effect on performance.

    • Visionary Leadership Style and Performance of Construction Companies in Nakuru City
      Original Research Article
      Country kenya
    • Pages 352-361
    • Jagongo Tom Ochieng || Dr. Duncan Nyaberi
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The main objective of the study was to assess the influence of visionary leadership on performance of construction companies in Nakuru City. The study was based on authentic leadership theory. The study used descriptive survey design. The study targeted employees and managers in category NCA 1 to category NCA5 in 30 construction companies. The sample size was 20 human resource staff ,40technical staff and 60 operational staff totalling to 100 respondents. The adopted stratified sampling technique .Data was collected using closed-ended questionnaires Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 25 was used for analysis. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics was used to examine the data. For inferential statistics, Pearson's Product Moment correlation and multiple regression models was employed to understand more about the relationships between the variables. Tables displayed the results of the analysis. This indicates that there was a positive and statistically significant correlation between visionary leadership style and performance of construction companies in Nakuru City, (r = 0.443; p < 0.0.05). The R-squared in this study was 0.770, which shows that visionary leadership style, can explain 77.0% of performance of construction companies in Nakuru City while other factors explain 23.0%. Visionary leadership style statistically influences performance of construction companies in Nakuru City.

    • Lessons Learnt in Monitoring and Evaluation and Performance of Market Infrastructural Projects in Nakuru County.
      Original Research Article
      Country kenya
    • Pages 362-372
    • Gitahi Caroline Wambui || Wanyoike Daniel
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The sought to establish the influence of lessons learnt in M& E on performance of market infrastructural projects in Nakuru County.The study was grounded onresult based management theory.Descriptive research design was used for this study.The study targeted 3 Members of the project management committee (1 members of public representing the community needs, MCA representative and the project officer and 1 contractor in each of the 60 market infrastructure projects totalling to sample frame 240 respondent.The sample size was 95 respondents.The study used stratified random sampling technique to select the respondents.Closed-ended questionnaires was used to collect data.Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 25 was used for analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyse the data. For inferential analysis correlation and multiple regression models was employed to understand more about the relationships between the variables. The results were displayed in tables. The resultsshowed a highly significant and strong positive correlation (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.968, p < 0.01) between "Lessons Learnt" and "Project Performance.The R-squared value, approximately 0.967, indicates that about 96.7% of the variance in the response variable can be explained by the predictor(Lessons Learnt) included in the regression model.Lessonslearnt in M& E had significant influence on the performance of market infrastructural projects in Nakuru County

    • Coaching Behavior and Sports Confidence of Athletes
      Original Research Article
      Country Philippines
    • Pages 373-416
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • A coach‘s successful coaching behavior influences an athlete‘s sports confidence. This quantitative descriptive-correlational non-experimental study was conducted among 210 student-athletes in the public secondary schools of Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur to determine which domain of coaching behavior of the coaches best influences the sports confidence of athletes. Pearson r correlation was used to determine the significant relationship between the extent of coaching behavior of the coaches and the level of sports confidence of the athletes, while regression analysis was utilized to determine which domain of coaching behavior of the sports coaches significantly influence sports confidence of the athletes. Results revealed that the level of coaching behavior as perceived by the athletes in terms of physical training, technical skills, mental preparations, goal setting, competitive strategies, personal rapport, and negative personal rapport was high. The level of sports confidence among athletes is very high in terms of the coach‘s leadership and vicarious experience and high in terms of social support, physical and mental preparation, mastery, environmental comfort, physical self-presentation, situational favourableness, and demonstration ability. There was a significant relationship between coaching behavior and sports confidence. Physical training, personal rapport, and negative personal rapport best influence the sports confidence of athletes.

    • The Effect of Job Insecurity on Organizational Commitment Which is Mediated by Job Stressat Pt. Temas Shipping ambon City
      Original Research Article
      Country Indonesia
    • Pages 417-424
    • Gerrit M. Pentury || Pieter N R Rehatta || Zainuddin Latuconsina
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Research aims to test and analyze the influence of job insecurity on job stress, analyze the influence of job stress on organizational commitment, analyze the influence of job insecurity on organizational commitment, analyze the influence of job insecurity on organizational commitment through job stress. This research was conducted on employees at PT. Temas Shipping Ambon City. The sample used was 34 respondents. The research method used is a quantitative research method. The distribution of questionnaires was measured using a Likert scale. The data analysis method uses toolsPartial Least Square analysis which is processed using Smart PLS version 4 software. The research results show that job insecurity influences job stress, job stress influences organizational commitment, job insecurity influences organizational commitment, job insecurity influences organizational commitment through job stress

    • Research and Development Strategic Initiatives on Sustainable financing of Universal Health Coverage in Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 425-432
    • Kennedy O. Ogwengo || Prof. Geoffrey Kamau || Dr. NjengaGitahi
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Universal health coverage (UHC) has been observed to positively impact on the financial protection and health status of residents of countries where it is implemented. However, the concept and possibilities of UHC remains underexplored in several low resource settings globally owing to little research and development efforts, thus, limiting the implementation of UHC. This paper, therefore, sought to establish the impact of research and development strategic initiatives at the institutional level on sustainable healthcare financing of UHC in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design targeting UHC stakeholder organizations including the Ministry of Health, public and private social health insurers, donor fund agencies, as well as public and private healthcare providers in the country. From these, a sample size of 234 organizations were selected using mixed sampling techniques to participate in the study. Data was collected through questionnaires and interview schedules. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, that is, bivariate correlation and multivariate regression analysis. The study found that research and development strategic initiatives significantly influenced the sustainable financing of universal Health Coverage in Kenya. Technological Integration of medical Systems was the most influential R&D strategic initiative in predicting Sustainable Financing of UHC. This was followed by Public support for and trust in healthcare research and Potential for medical Work-Flow Process Reengineering. The study recommends that more research should be conducted at the institutional level rather than the personal level on UHC financing so as to produce high quality research.

    • The Influence of Social Networks and Information Flows on Optimal Subsidized Fertilizer Use by Smallholder Maize Farmers in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 433-450
    • Richard Wachira Gichuhi
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Fertilizer subsidies in Kenya aim to increase usage and productivity among smallholder farmers. However, optimal impacts depend on proper application informed by relevant knowledge acquired through social networks. This study analyzed how social networks and information flows influence optimal fertilizer use among smallholder maize farmers receiving government subsidies in the Njoro sub-county, Kenya. A mixed methods approach combining a survey, net-mapping, interviews and social network analysis examined knowledge exchange pathways and dynamics affecting optimal practices. Findings show radio, extension services and lead farmers are key information sources. Application timing and methods significantly predicted optimal use, highlighting knowledge gaps. Centrality analysis reveals the agriculture ministry and agro-dealers are critical network brokers. Qualitative data emphasized challenges like limited extension support. Overall, leveraging social capital around fertilizer use knowledge appears crucial for optimizing the impacts of subsidies. The study provides insights to guide initiatives aimed at enhancing information exchange, building farmer capabilities, and linking to credible technical sources to improve productivity.

    • Digital Customer Interaction Strategy and Service Delivery by National Health Insurance Fund-Nakuru Branch, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 451-457
    • Mary Wachira || David Gichuhi
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The digital transformation within the public sector presents a spectrum of opportunities and benefits encompassing the operational efficiency, financial savings, and improved customer satisfaction. In particular, digital customer interaction improves customer satisfaction, streamlines communication, and harnesses digital channels and data-driven insights. However, the National Health Insurance Fund’s members encounter challenges when trying to obtain adequate details regarding their coverage and benefits, which is a major service delivery concern. It is against this challenge that the researcher examined the influence of digital customer interaction strategy on Service Delivery by National Health Insurance Fund. The study was anchored by Technology Acceptance Model. A descriptive research design was employed. The target population was the 46 employees at the National Health Insurance Fund-Nakuru Branch. Data was collected using structured research questionnaires. Data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential methods and aided by Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. The descriptive findings showed that digital customer interaction strategy influenced service delivery. Based on the correlation analysis results, the relationship between the digital customer interaction strategy and service delivery was significant (r=0.304*; p=0.047). This result implies that the service delivery by NHIF was influenced by digital customer interaction strategy. In regression analysis, the coefficient of determination was R2=0.093. As such, digital customer interaction strategy explained the 9.3% of variation in service delivery by NHIF. The study concluded that improve the efficiency and customer satisfaction. Therefore, embracing digital channels and optimizing customer engagement in healthcare services is a transformative approach for the National Health Insurance Fund. The researcher recommends that NHIF should intensify the real-time support, customer feedbacks, integration with healthcare providers, and multi-channel interaction. This will improve the customer assistance, incorporate member inputs, and streamline the healthcare processes thus improving the service delivery.

    • Effect of Storage of Records on Employee Performance at The National Land Commission in Nairobi, Kenya
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 458-468
    • Langat Rose Chepkoech || Dr. Prof. Mongare Omare || Dr. Geoffrey Kamau
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • The Ministry of Lands still heavily relies on manual record-keeping systems, which adversely impact employee performance and record management. The absence of modern technological infrastructure, such as electronic document management systems, hinders efficient record storage, retrieval, and maintenance. The study sought to assess the effect of storage of records on employee performance at the national land commission in Nairobi, Kenya. The study was anchored on the restricted access and limited control. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The unit of analysis was 10 directorates at the National Land Commission in Nairobi. The unit of observation was 439 staff at the National Land Commission in Nairobi. Nassiuma’s 2008 formula was adopted to determine a sample of 115 respondents. The study further used stratified random sampling to select a sample of employee from each of the 10 directorate. The study used questionnaires as the instrument of data collection. The study used content and face validity. An internal consistency technique was adopted by utilization of Cronbach’s Alpha to measure the reliability of the instruments. Data was analyzed using SPPS version 25. The study used descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study was presented using frequency tables. The study findings revealed that the organization has guidelines to store records both sensitive and classified records which save time hence higher employee productivity. The study concluded that there exists a strong positive and significant relationship (r = .741, P=0.027) between storage of records and employee performance at the national land commission in Nairobi, Kenya. From the findings the study recommended that the Ministry of Lands should also ensure that the ERMS is user-friendly and accessible to all stakeholders, establish a helpdesk or customer service center, integrate the ERMS with other relevant government systems, establish a mobile application for the ERMS, and ensure that the ERMS is accessible to persons with disabilities.

    • Influence of Technical Skills on the Performance of Correctional Facilities Projects in Nakuru Main Prison
      Original Research Article
      Country Kenya
    • Pages 469-474
    • Boaz Kiptoo Leitich || Dr. Nehemiah Kiplagat || Dr. Zakayo Kibet Tallam
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • Correctional facilities play a crucial role in maintaining law and order within society. They serve as institutions where individuals convicted of crimes are incarcerated, rehabilitated, and ideally, reintegrated into society as law-abiding citizens. Project performance measures are crucial indicators of the effectiveness of correctional facilities like Nakuru Prisons therefore the study sought to assess the influence of technical skills on performance of correctional facilities projects in Nakuru main prison. The study was guided by the concept of entrepreneurial self-efficacy theory, training needs assessment theory, project management competency theory and the human capital theory. The study adopted descriptive research design. The targeted population was 52 officers in Nakuru Main prison. Since the target population was manageable the study adopted census technique to incorporate all the 52 targeted officers. The study used primary data which was collected through questionnaire. The pilot study was conducted in Naivasha Maximum Prison. was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 24. Descriptive statistics involved the use of measures of central tendencies (mean) and measures of dispersion. Inferential statistic involved the use of correlation and regression analysis to establish the nature of relationship between study variables. After analysis data was presented in form of a table. From the study concluded that there is a strong positive correlation between technical skills and performance of correctional facilities projects in Nakuru main prison, (r = 0.541; p < 0.05). From the findings the study recommended that the prison department can develop training programs aimed at instilling an entrepreneurial mindset within correctional facilities. In addition the study also recommends is essential to provide administrators with relevant training based on the specific projects within correctional facilities. For instance, if construction projects are underway, administrators should receive training in construction management, quality control, and safety procedures.

    • Optimizing Performance in Moroccan Hypermarkets: Analysis of the Interaction between Strategy and Management Control
      Original Research Article
      Country Morocco
    • Pages 475-485
    • BOUNID Samira
    • Abstract | pdf Pdf
    • This article deals with performance optimization in Moroccan hypermarkets by analyzing the interaction between strategy and management control. It begins by highlighting the impact of strategy on management control by presenting the Porter and Miles & Know typologies. Strategy has become an essential contingency factor in explaining management control systems The study then explores Miles & Snow's typology, which classifies companies into four categories: prospectors, defenders, analysts, and reactives, according to their cycle of adaptation to the environment. Similarly, Porter's classification of cost dominance, differentiation, and focus is examined. Each strategy implies distinct approaches in terms of organization, control procedures, and incentive systems. Successful implementation of these strategies requires different resources and skills. In addition, the analysis reports on the influence of these strategies on management control systems, highlighting divergences in cost and performance control. Finally, a hypothesis is formulated, suggesting that prospect-focused hypermarkets have a higher propensity to adopt and implement a management control system than superstores. To assess this hypothesis, reliability and factor analysis measures are carried out, demonstrating high internal consistency and data suitability for factor analysis.