Transformational Leadership and Corporate Entrepreneur The Proposed Strategy to Enhance Ahmad Dahlan University’s Business Sustainability: a Literature Review Original Research Article Country Indonesia
Corporate entrepreneurs as a process that only occurs in profit-oriented companies. The concept is not only related to the development of entrepreneurship in a profit-oriented company, but also can refer to the empowerment of resources in an organization to innovate and generate added value to take advantage of new business opportunities. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of transformational leadership on a corporate entrepreneur. The type of this research is a literature study with a descriptive qualitative approach. The research findings state that transformational leadership has a significant influence on corporate entrepreneurs.
Intention and behavior towards bringing your own shopping bags in Vietnam: an Investigation Using the Theory of Planned Behavior Original Research Article Country Vietnam
Pages 14-21
Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh || Tran Duc Anh || Nguyen Thi Viet Ha
Sustainable consumption is a topic of concern in many countries around the world, including Vietnam. Although recognizing the behavior of using plastic bags instead of bringing own shopping bags (BYOB) is not good, many Vietnamese consumers still choose plastic bags because of their convenience. Using the TPB theory, this study explores the relationship between attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and intention towards BYOB and the relationship between intention and behavior towards BYOB. Based on the research results, the authors give some suggestions to state management agencies to promote intention and behavior toward BYOB.
Management Innovation and Business Performance of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Cotabato City During the COVID-19 Pandemic Original Research Article Country Kenya
The micro, small and medium enterprises or the MSMEs are considered as the backbone of the Philippine economy because of its major contributions to the economic development particularly in the generation of income and employment.However, during this challenging and trying time, one of the most affected industries are the SME’s in the country. This study determined the management innovation activities of the MSME’s in Cotabato City during the time of pandemic and its relationship to business performance. Specifically, product innovation, process innovation, service innovation, and organizational innovation were analyzed in this study. Moreover, descriptive-correlational research design was utilized in this study and a total of 64 MSME owners were the respondents of this study. The results revealed that the product innovation has a significant moderate relationship with business performance. Thus, MSME owners are highly encouraged to improve their product innovation strategies like offering wide variety of products with utmost quality.
Entrepreneurial Intention of the Cotabato City State Polytechnic College (CCSPC)-Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) Graduates Original Research Article Country Kenya
According to Akhtar and Mir (2014) entrepreneurship is really important; and the establishment and growth of businesses can thereby stimulate economic development and employment. According to Ajzen (1991) the decision to establish a new business is regarded as a planned behavior and it has been proven that there is a strong relationship between the intentions to the actual act. Shapero and Sokol (1982) and Honig (2004) assert that entrepreneurial intention is the best predictor of entrepreneurial behavior. This is also true with Kelly et al (2016) that entrepreneurial intention is the likelihood of a person a start a new business and it is considered a significant factor of entrepreneurial activity. With this, it is important to examine the factors that influence the entrepreneurial intentions of the CBPA-BSBA graduates particularly in terms of their attitude, social norm, and perceived behavioral control. Moreover, descriptive-correlational research design was utilized in this study and a total of 84 respondents participated in this study. The results revealed that the perceived behavioral control and attitude have a significant relationship with entrepreneurial intention. Thus, it is highly encourage that the CCSPC-CBPA shall develop strategies that can develop attraction towards entrepreneurship and perceived easiness of creating a business through actual business demonstrations.
Knowledge Mapping of Platform Competition: Literature Review and Research Agenda Original Research Article Country China
This study offers a systematic review of academic research on platform competition. By using CiteSpace5.7R1, a visualization tool, we analyzed 575 articles on platform competition from Web of Science database. By examining the publications, important authors, and hot spots in the field of platform competition, we found that early literature mainly focused on the concepts and structure of platform competition from a micro level, and the methods including empirical analyses with game theory, mathematical models and so on. Recent literature mainly focuses on digital platform, platform ecosystem, innovation ecosystem, value creation, the role of complementor and so on.
Review on Mobile Computing and its Implications in Healthcare and Businesses Original Research Article Country United States
Mobile computing has the capability of device control to form a trained model of machine learning. The devices use the network and relate to the wireless or wired networks which may be satellite, global, and cellular digital packet data (CDPA). The device's hardware included battery life, screen size, carriables, and inputs and outputs of the devices. The design mainly depends on the requirement of the organization's needs and its budget. The common software used in Mobile Computing MSDOS, Windows, PenDOS, Palm OS, and many others. The paper consists of a review of the current and previous research papers from various journals and the internet on Mobile Computing. The paper focused on the studies conducted on the Impact of Mobile computing in businesses and its implications. The review of various studies found that Mobile Computing provides access to technology in the hands and accessibility to the information in various areas of utilization such as education, technologies, healthcare, and disaster management.
Policy Framework for Cyber Security Concernsand Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises for Global Economic Recovery amidst Covid-19 Original Research Article Country Kenya
Pages 51-59
Dr. Evans Mwasiaji || Dr. John M. Kandiri || Prof. David M. Minja
Coronavirusdiseaseoutbreak of 2019 was first reported during the month of December in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. Due to the changing nature of the disease, governments and regulatory agencies globallyimplemented containment measures includingsocial distancing, quarantines and cessation of movement. Theseglobal response strategies made it necessary for small and mediumbusiness enterprises to turn to digital media to run their operations.E-commerce throughcloud computing became the most viable tools to continue running operations. The adopted e-commerce solutions and cloud based storage integration has attracted integrity and privacy concerns due to the cyber security threats.Cyber criminals have enhanced their assault on vulnerable small and medium firms, taking advantage of their inadequate experience with technology and lack of access to strategic resources such as finance. This studyusing meta-analysis approach thereforepropose a conceptual model that is meant to inform future studies that will seal data gaps, help reconfigureonline data infrastructure, build capacity for entrepreneurs and provide policy solutionsto address cybersecurity so as toenhance contributions by e-commerce compliant small and medium business enterprisesforeconomic recovery within the context of coronavirus disease outbreak.
Factors affecting employees’ innovative behavior in enterprises: The case of Vietnam Original Research Article Country Vietnam
Pages 60-65
Le Thi Thu Phuong || Phan Thi Ha Phuong || Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh
Innovation is considered the lever for growth and prosperity in business and the solution to a range of organizational problems, especially when the Covid-19 pandemic is still spreading. Many companies have dissolved because of being unable to achieve sustainable growth in industrial revolutions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of Empowerment Leadership (EL), Workplace Happiness (WPH), and Work Satisfaction (WS) on employees’ innovative behavior in the Vietnam context. The research was conducted on 455 employees in different enterprises throughout Vietnam showed that Empowerment Leadership and Work Satisfaction positively affect innovative behavior. In contrast, Workplace Happiness proved to have no relationship with it.
Brand Management in Product Customization Dimensions Participation in Building and Customer Experience Management. Original Research Article Country Thailand
This article is for synthetic purposes. Brand management conceptual framework for product customization dimensions. Using theoretical synthesis and related research developed into a conceptual framework that consists of various factors, namely Customer Coproducer, Customer Experience management, Collaborative Management and Customization Customization Which leads to the development of brand value There are five main components: brand awareness. Perceived quality brand group Brand image and brand loyalty developing successful brand values Business organizations must consider 3 main factors which are Customer Coproducer, Customer Experience management and collaborative Management Which this research framework has influences to promote and brand value management in product customization dimensions.
Effect of Net Profit Margin, Debt to Equity Ratio, Current ratio and Inflation on Dividend Payout Ratio Original Research Article Country Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of Net Profit Margin (NPM), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Current Ratio (CR) and Inflation on Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). The object of this research is companies listed on the LQ45 index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research design used is causal research. Sampling using purposive sampling method. From this method obtained 12 companies that meet the criteria and as many as 48 companies during the observation period. The analysis used in this research is panel data regression analysis using three alternative model approaches, namely the common effect, fixed effect and random effect, then using the chow model selection test and the hausmant test. Regression model testing is done by statistical tests, namely Model F Testing and Model-t Testing
Assessing Survival Strategies for Agro-dealers in Chipata and Petauke Districts, Eastern Zambia. Original Research Article Country Zambia
face a lot of challenges and struggle with little hope for survival. The main purpose of this study was to assess the survival strategies agro-dealers use to sustain their business in Chipata andPetaukedistricts. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the major challenges faced by agro-dealers in Chipata and Petauke districts; explore the survival strategies used by agro-dealers to sustain their businesses in Chipata and Petauke districts; and to recommend appropriate measures that would help agro-dealers to sustain their business.Descriptive survey design was used and questionnaires were used for data collection from 23 registered agro-dealers in Chipata and Petauke districts.The data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods and descriptive statistics were used aided by statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). The findings were that agro-dealers in Chipata and Petauke districts facedmajor challenges and these were lack of access to finance (95%), competition (90), lack of partnerships (86%), and lack of strategic assets (81%). The survival strategies used by agro-dealers were marketing strategies (95%), networks and partnerships (86%), training of employees (81%), engaging rural agents (81%), and establishing linkages (71%).
The Determinants of the Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions Through the Control Systems: Case of Cameroon in Context Covid19 Original Research Article Country Cameroon
The end of decade 1990 is marked by the proliferation of microfinance institutions that constitute powerful instruments for fight against poverty and the reduction of unemployment. In the meanwhile, considering the ephemeral character of some of those institutions, the object of this study is to understand the elements that are at the basis of the life expectancy of microfinance institutions in Cameroun in covid 19 context. The literature shows that variables such as a system of internal control and financial objectives influence the longevity of microfinance institutions. The test of chisquare on 35 institutions of microfinance observed within the period of 2004-2020 in Cameroun enable to establish connexions among variables. The results obtained show that the survival of microfinance institutions in Cameroun depends on internal control systems the board of directors, the separation of functions of president and that of general manager, the frequency of meeting of the board of directors, the effective presence participation of the members of the board of directors to the meetings and the joint decision making by the boards of directors and the general management.
Does Social Competence, Emotional Intelligence, and Motivation, impact Employee Performance on Construction Companies? Original Research Article Country Indonesia
Pages 101-111
Winda Widyanty || Mas Wahyu Wibowo || Antonio Ferandy || Angrian Permana
important and crucial to the influence that the company will get, especially for companies engaged in services, the quality and quantity of a company really requires good performance from its employees / human resources. Social competence, emotional intelligence, and work motivation are things that can affect the increase or decrease in employee performance. And this research uses quantitative research methods conducted at construction companies in Jakarta, Indonesia.Sample taken from 92 employees in construction companies in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data collection methods using primary data by distributing questionnaires. The result from data analysis by using structural equation modelling shows that social competence, emotional intelligence, and motivation has a positive impactto employee performance on construction companies in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Keywords:Social competence, Emotional
An Empirical Investigation on the Impact of Corporate Governance Structure on R&D Intensity: The Case of Information Technology Industry in China Original Research Article Country China
R&D is an important factor for companies to achieve sustainable development. Exploring the relationship between R&D investment and corporate governance structure is of great importance for companies to conduct innovation and improve corporate governance structure. This paper investigates the impact of corporate governance structure on R&D intensity of firms. The empirical results show that both the number of top management shareholdings and equity concentration has significant positive effects on corporate R&D intensity.
Carbon Accounting Information Disclosure under the Background of Green Development Original Research Article Country China
Under the background of global industrialization, the consumption of natural resources and carbon emission has becoming increasingly severe and the climate environment has been getting worse. Thus, it is urgent for the world to creating a new path of green development and to boost the global economy. The paper elaborated the significance of information disclosure of carbon accounting under the background of green development. Taking Fangda Special Steels Technology Co., Ltd. as an example, the paper analyzed its method and content of the information disclosure of carbon accounting, pointed out the deficiencies in the field and put forward four managerial suggestions.
Triangle Relationship: A Review of Dynamic Capabilities, Strategic Foresight and Organizational Learning Original Research Article Country Thailand
This paper presents aliterature review that integrates a bibliometric analysis to assess the relationships among dynamic capabilities, strategic foresight, and organizational learning. The purpose of the SLR on Dynamic Capabilities (DC), Strategic Foresight (SF) and Organizational Learning (OL) is to advance the academic perspective on dynamic capabilities by analyzing how SF and OL can possibly integrate into the DC framework. This advancement is crucial since the pace of changes in an organization‟s environment is increasing, causing competitive pressure to rise. An organization needs to address such changes by adjusting existing capabilities or acquire new ones and thus strengthen their competitiveness. SF provides information and insights about future developments or changes in an organization‟s business environment. After which OL integrates the obtained information into the strategic planning process. It is important to include the concepts of SF and OL into the DC framework because an organization without learning cannot integrate information into the organizational decision-making process. The results of the review present a new approach to bridgelinkages between DC, SF, and OL that can help to operationalize the DC framework. A practical application of dynamic capabilities facilitates the long-term performance and sustainability of an organization.
Strategic Literature Review on contingency factors and bank performance in china Original Research Article Country Malaysia
The aim of the study was to review the available literature on contingency factors that can influence the performance of commercial banks of china. For this purpose, a through literature has been investigated in a manner that a report could be generated and decisions could be made on the common trends. Most of the articles for this study were taken from the Scopus databases. The present findings recommend that commercial banks have to focus more on aspects such as business strategy if they aim to enhance their performance measures that would consequently improve their performance. For decision making in the context of organizational structure, banks must possess authority in their branches so that new and flexible approaches to non-financial measures could be applied. A positive and significant relationship of business strategy with the organizational performance is the major finding of the present study. With reference to organizational structure and organizational performance, the findings indicated a positive effect of organizational structure on the organizational performance. A negative and insignificant relationship found between competition and organizational performance is indicated by the results.
Evaluation for E-Commerce using AHP: Designing the experiment Original Research Article Country Greece
Despite the spread of e-commerce, customers tend to encounter many problems during their interaction with the websites. For a website to be successful it should be evaluated but this process encounters many difficulties. After referring to the main problems encountered by an e-commerce system, this paper presents the design of an evaluation experiment of e-commerce websites that use a multi-criteria decision-making theory called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The paper analyses the criteria and methods used in evaluation experiments with AHP. Taking into account this analysis, the focus of the paper is on defining the final set of criteria, estimating their weights and providing guidelines on the different groups of evaluators that could be used.